ELGA Elektrood P48P 2.5x350mm 3×4.2kg PACK

Артикул: 71592500

P 48P is a basic-coated, low hydrogen, carbon manganese electrode specially designed for pipewelding. The all-positional AC/DC electrode is exceptionally easy to use. P 48P has an extremely stable arc which enables it to be manipulated in the most difficult welding positions without any risk of arc extinction due to freezing. Root beads are even and slightly convex, providing a smooth blend-in with the base material. Operating characteristics are not sensitive to variations in the root gap or edge misalignment. Fill and capping passes fuse flush with the joint edges, minimising the risk of edge defects when using either the stringer bead or weaving technique. The flat-to slightly convex bead profile results in the need for only a bare minimum of grinding and therefore considerable reduction in the associated problems of dust and noise pollution. P 48P combines the special operability needs of the pipe welder with the general requirement for improved productivity.

Datasheet: P-48P-rev-16

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